We perform!

Welcome to MSK 
International General Trading LLC

Service 24/7 for an outstanding
Customer Experience

Our mission and our philosophy is to guarantee you the best possible service and experience when working with us together. We understand the challenges of the Commodity trade and as a global player in this industry we are at your service 24/7.

Products & Delivery at
best price

We have established a large global network of trusted suppliers for all our products.
MSK is constantly monitoring the market developments and we guarantee you competitive prices and a reliable supply of your products.

We start together
with you!

Our target is to build always long-term business relations with you and your company. Our key to succes is an open communication and the development of partnerships with our suppliers and customers.
If you want to start with us in an new future please contact us to discuss your needs.

Speed & Efficiency

For our buisiness relationships with suppliers and customers, we always stick to the agreed procedures. A clear contractual and legal alignment at the beginning of each project enables a fast and reliable delivery with less effort and in time.

Confidentiality & NCA

We understand that commodity business often works based on intermediaries or broker services. We always respect and value the work of everybody involved in our projects. 
We don't circumvent our contacts and we always keep the required levels of confidentialty.

Financial Service

If you need financing solutions to get the right bank instruments for your commodity trade, we can assist. 
In any case we guarantee you safe and secured financial transactions. 

Our promise

We are dedicated to implementing sustainable practices, optimizing global logisticcs and supporting emerging markets.

We offer consulting services to provide you with the best quality of our products, secure your delivery and optimize the financial structure and conditions.

Our team

MSK International General Trading has been founded in 2021. MSK is a team of experienced managers in the areas of global trading, sales, marketing, legal & contracting, logistics and finance. We do understand the commodities market, we know the market dynamics and we manage your supplies sustainable and globally.

Optimized logistics & secure delivery

Certified & sustainable products

Global network of suppliers & customers


Phone: +971 542 14 69 68

Email: contact@msk-trade.com

Headquarter UAE:
MSK International General Trading LLC
208, Churchill Tower
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Canada branch:
MSK International General Trading Ltd.
3 Idleswift DR, Vaughan
Ontario, L4J 1K6, Canada

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